Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
128921-128940 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051mongo_method_storableStore the output of methods in a Mongoid::Document class into MongoDB dynamic fields. L...
103,2051meser_ongkirMeserOngkir is a clean, powerful, customizable and sophisticated shipping cost plugin f...
103,2051ruby_wifi_scannerScans local wifi networks names
103,2051mm-multi-parameter-attributesTiny plugin for MongoMapper to add multi-parameter attributes
103,2051nexus_cqrs_authAuthorisation for the Nexus CQRS pattern
103,2051shopiflyShopifly is a command-line utility that helps to enforce branch-theme parity. At this t...
103,2051faker_js_railsA port of faker.js for use in your rails app.
103,2051my_string_extend_dgjThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the...
103,2051halflingUse hobbit with some template niceties and other conveniences.
103,2051ivanvr-faker_es_mxGenerate "fake" data formatted for es_MX.
103,2051jBootstrapGenerator and abstract classes for Joomla 1.5 components.
103,2051rack-subdomainRack middleware to route requests with subdomains to specified routes with substitutions
103,2051social_linkThis gem creating a link to social account
103,2051nested_model_authmodel based authorization for new or edited records
103,2051jylis-rbAn idiomatic library for connecting a Ruby project to a Jylis database.
103,2051example-gem-with-rce-code2Placeholder by RubyGems Security Team
103,2051memo_for_binmake memos in ~/.Memo
103,2051jekyll_patternbotA Jekyll plugin for developing pattern libraries & style guides that can be used to gen...
103,2051sesame-apiSesame API wrapper