Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
128961-128980 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051rest-client-wrapperGeneric REST client wrapper
103,2051omniauth-keycloak-openidThis gem authenticates a user by Keycloak OpenID connect protocol.
103,2051my_string_extendrbgThe library opens up the String class and adds a method writesize, which returns the si...
103,2051sequential_fileCreate Files Named Sequentially Intelligently
103,2051jets_gem_layerThis gem provides Rake tasks to create and publish an AWS Lambda Layer from project gem...
103,2051hanami-lambdaHanami Lambda is a gem that provides a way to run hanami application on AWS Lambda.
103,2051shipnowThis gem allows developers to use the services available in the ShipNow API (http://www...
103,2051devise_suitableCreate and manage social referrals in Devise
103,2051my_timelineSocial Media Aggregation Timeline
103,2051simmsAllows accepting and parsing Simms Energy monitor data streams.
103,2051passmakrCreates various types of passwords and shows them in often used formats
103,2051recomiendoA Ruby wrapper for the Recomiendo API.
103,2051jquery-ztree-railsjquery ztree resources files packaged for the Rails asset pieline
103,2051cryptomkt-rubyWrapper for Cryptomkt API
103,2051pampa_dispatcherTHIS GEM IS STILL IN DEVELOPMENT STAGE. Find documentation here: https://github.com/lea...
103,2051lefler_view_toolThis is a tool that aids you.
103,2051rybish_codeА gem that allows you to get pass for patterns
103,2051inci_scoreA library that computes the hazard of cosmetic products components, based on the Biodiz...
103,2051nth_week_with_rulesCalculate n-th week of the date with some rules