Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
129301-129320 of all 180,860 gems.
87,4331octopussySimple wrapper for the GitHub API v2
87,4331go-waldoFind where is your commit inside the Go pipelines
87,4331page_matchPageMatch: RSpec 2 matcher class for building custom Capybara matchers in acceptance te...
87,4331jruby-memcache-client-thoughtworksA drop in replacement for Ruby's memcache-client.Now with a stable jruby-memcached-rele...
87,4331jquery-rails-google-cdnUse the Google CDN to serve jquery and fall back to the local version if the CDN is unr...
87,4331eddieThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
87,4331drezynaRails application template by Nukomeet
87,4331karashitodo: Write a longer description or delete this line.
87,4331monormMonoRM is a small ORM library designed to make interacting with the database easier. It...
87,4331clean_codeThis gem help files .rb clean code and clear binding.pry, byebug
87,4331mongo_recordNote: this gem is no longer offically supported by 10gen. For a list of MongoDB object ...
87,4331i18n_shoulda_generatorGenerators which create tests using shoulda and HAML, fully i18nized.
87,4331redlanderRedlander is Ruby bindings to Redland library (see http://librdf.org) written in C, whi...
87,4331anyhashHash functions based on RHash
87,4331djjourClient and server DJ Music system that hooks into iTunes.
87,4331fedger_apifeger.io api gem
87,4331cf-clientDo more with the client for AWS CloudFormation
87,4331cis196spring2017demoThis is a demo for CIS 196
87,4331cutedriver-qt-sut-plugincuTeDriver Interface Qt SUT plugin
87,4331oba-clientSee above.