Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
129221-129240 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051prism_checkerprism_checker is an extension for rspec and minitest, built on top of the site_prism ge...
103,2051mojikunA simple programming language, using emoji.
103,2051mobile-enhancementsThis gem provides a few features to a Rails app which aid the production of a mobile-ta...
103,2051rixiusModule of helpful modules, classes, and mixins
103,2051zip_taxRuby wrapper for the Zip-Tax api
103,2051quintus-example-gemThis is an example gem demonstrating how to create RubyGems.
103,2051serial-watcherSoft to watch serials :)
103,2051nanoleaf_rubyThis gem provides a ruby wrapper for the Nanoleaf Open Api
103,2051scrivito_three_columnsThis Widget allows you to use a three-column layout and fill it with widgets.
103,2051juceA set of Ruby helpers to import and export data coming from apps built with JUCE (h...
103,2051jrcljHelper library for working with Clojure from JRuby.
103,2051mlir-dialect-rubyA MLIR dialect for ruby
103,2051net-http-not_modified_cacheCaches responses for requests that respond with "304 - Not Modified" and adds "if-modif...
103,2051determinator-contextHelpers to construct Determinator actors.
103,2051omniauth-deliveryDelivery.com OAuth strategy for OmniAuth
103,2051poise-javascriptA Chef cookbook for managing Node.js and io.js installations.
103,2051hawgrid_bpContains breakpoints for different screen sizes for easy and fast responsive design.
103,2051react-sinatraReact on Sinatra Integration
103,2051rb-urlvoidYet another ruby gem for URLVoid API
103,2051github_ruby_libbasic functionalities to get information.