Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
129261-129280 of all 180,860 gems.
87,4331i18n-beginning_of_weekDifferent locales use different days for the beginning of the week. This gem allows the...
87,4331smart_proxy_dhcp_remote_iscSmart-Proxy dhcp module provider for NFS-accessible ISC dhcpd installations
87,4331itunes-observerThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
87,4331redirect_followerAllows you to resolve redirecting urls (i.e. from url-shortening services like bit.ly) ...
87,4331structpluckPluck structs from activerecord
87,4331kato-rbRuby library to post messages to kato.im room
87,4331lambomRiyic is a server configuration service based on chef (http://riyic.com). The lambom ge...
87,4331fillmore_test_1Fetches weather forecast.
87,4331pedanco-diffrPedanco::Diffr provides a change set management system for tracking changes anywher...
87,4331herbalteeRender and write templates using ERB
87,4331middleman-fragment-cachingA Middleman fragment caching extension like Rails
87,4331sqlite-vecA vector search SQLite extension.
87,4331fsrsA ruby implementation of the Open Spaced Repetition's Free Spaced Repetition Scheduler.
87,4331eme_services_clientConsume Private EME APIs
87,4331regexp_scanThis gem provide `String#scan` for CLI. Pickup strings that match the regular expressio...
87,4331fluent-plugin-better-timestampOutput filter plugin which put timestamp
87,4331github-webhook-authSimple gem for forcing a valid Github Webhook
87,4331opener-clientA helper gem to make use of OpeNER webservices
87,4331countryselect0rFork of the country-select (version 1.1.1) gem by Michael Koziarski and James Dean Shep...
87,4331truenamesImprove test failure output by introspecting variable names.