Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
129241-129260 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051rspec-performancerspec-performance adds a couple of utility methods for unit testing performance
103,2051git-prgit-pr facilitates GitHub pull requests
103,2051entp-ruby-openidA library for consuming and serving OpenID identities. Forked from the unmaintained Jan...
103,2051rack-test-acceptsHelpers for rack-test that mean I don't need to remember the accept header syntax, or w...
103,2051rwikiPersonal wiki based on ExtJS
103,2051scutilScutil is a library for conveniently executing commands remotely via SSH.
103,2051magusMagento API wrapper in Ruby
103,2051peek-svnProvide a peek into the Subversion info of your Rails application.
103,2051honkster-mongo_mapperA Ruby Object Mapper for Mongo
103,2051money-transferwise-bankA gem that calculates the exchange rate using available rates from TransferWise. Compat...
103,2051google_spreadsheet_recorderSimple google spreadsheet data uploader.
103,2051despa_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for application
103,2051sapwoodCommand-line interface for working with Sapwood
103,2051shufflinoGenerates unique pseudo-random identificators based on shuffled seed arrays
103,2051rprbProvides Ruby in RPN style, ostensibly for a dc replacement
103,2051mongoid_acts_as_listImplementation of the acts as list gem for Mongoid
103,2051paco_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
103,2051leeroy_jenkinsA CLI tool for managing Jenkins job configurations
103,2051mercury_amqpAbstracts common patterns used with AMQP