Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
131161-131180 of all 180,709 gems.
121,9910jive-webhookImplements the functionality required for dealing with and storing Jive Webhooks using ...
121,9910fluent-plugin-elapsed-timeFluentd plugin to measure elapsed time to process messages
121,9910hako-vaultProvide variables from Vault to hako
121,9910iotazIotaz is an object relational mapping library. At the moment the library only supports ...
121,9910music_storyWrapper code for the MusicStory data product
121,9910flavordb-rubyA ruby client for the FlavorDB API
121,9910imagesorterCommand line tool for sorting photos and videos
121,9910mattknox-jewelerSimple and opinionated helper for creating Rubygem projects on GitHub
121,9910fsync-clientgem to communicate with financesync
121,9910omniauth-freeagent-oauth2FreeAgent authentication strategy for OmniAuth
121,9910mattly-couchrestCouchRest provides a simple interface on top of CouchDB's RESTful HTTP API, as well as ...
121,9910jekyll-ramlerGenerates Jekyll pages for overview, security, and resource docum...
121,9910neo4j-enterpriseThe Neo4j Enterprise Jar files, adding online backup and High Availability clustering –...
121,9910processing_kzHelps to integrate with processing.kz without pain. Merchant ID is required for work.
121,9910rasper_clientRuby client to RasperServer.
121,9910heavenlyGitHub style deployments
121,9910rbstructC like structs for ruby allowing read/write from binary files"
121,9910griddler-sesGriddler adapter for AWS SES (handle incoming email replies through SES)
121,9910IronDigital-rubyziprubyzip is a ruby module for reading and writing zip files.
121,9910grA Google Reader client written in Ruby