Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
131221-131240 of all 180,709 gems.
121,9910opener-constituent-parser-baseConstituent parser that supports various languages.
121,9910letsencrypt_herokuSetup SSL for heroku with letsencrypt
121,9910has_ratingsDemonstrates a reference implementation for handling ratings in ActiveRecord
121,9910geo_fakerImprove your test and demo data by generating realistically distributed geo-coordinates
121,9910geoip_cityA Binding to the GeoIP C library
121,9910mass-hookerCommand line tool to control GitHub repository hooks in multiple repos in bulk
121,9910james-rc-restJAMES' VERSION OF This library makes it easy to implement REST-like web services APIs.
121,9910jeremyboles-dm-adapter-simpledbA DataMapper adapter for Amazon's SimpleDB
121,9910plex-autodeleteAutomatically removed watched episodes in Plex
121,9910rack-request_decompressordecompressing request body
121,9910findjobsSimple CLI to help you find your next job.
121,9910pebbleA simple static CMS
121,9910rcaptchaSimple captcha image generator gem
121,9910mecab-moraMora parser for mecab-ruby.
121,9910jekyll-fa-iconsjekyll plugin to generate html snippets for embedding fa-icons
121,9910proof_of_workHashcash version 1 algorithm generator and checker
121,9910japanese-nameThis Ruby library converts known Japanese names in Kanji or Hiragana to Romaji, or ASCII.
121,9910rakudaxData migration tool using (ruby)Active Record.
121,9910react-asset-pathUse Rails' asset_path inside ReactJS components
121,9910rear_admiral_randyA Player that positions ships and fires completely randomly.