Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
131241-131260 of all 180,459 gems.
37,5371interceptIntercept any ruby object
37,5371algolia-indicesA command line tool for Algolia
37,5371scrudlerEasy to configure scaffolder that does the work client side and makes one crud request ...
37,5371mq_readerThis is a wrapper for mapquest's geocoding api.
37,5371myobie-will_paginateThe will_paginate library provides a simple, yet powerful and extensible API for Active...
37,5371myronmarston-factory_data_preloaderA library for preloading test data in rails applications.
37,5371kebabA library for creating kebab case strings. Forked from kebab, but using refinements...
37,5371logstash-input-multi-rdsIngest RDS log files to Logstash with competing consumers and multiple databases
37,5371no-regretsVisual regression testing for Capybara specs
37,5371occs-wizardA wizard to create Oracle Commerce Cloud basic widget structure
37,5371netshade-cache-moneyCache utilities.
37,5371myronmarston-mail_safeKeep your ActionMailer emails from escaping into the wild during development.
37,5371shadow11-middlemansimple logging/caching proxy for Net::HTTP
37,5371shanna-dm-sphinx-adapterA DataMapper Sphinx adapter.
37,5371newbamboo-job_queueJobQueue means you don't have to worry about your queue any more!
37,5371nbio-css_http_requestLike JavaScript includes, this works because CSS is not subject to the same-origin poli...
37,5371seven1m-has_one_photoUber simple Rails plugin giving a model a single attached photo per record.
37,5371mmx_buildBuild scripts for all supported MoneyMobileX platforms
37,5371ellen-githubManage GitHub via Ellen.