Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
131181-131200 of all 180,709 gems.
121,9910inzite-docsJekyll theme used for documenting homepages developed by Inzite Media.
121,9910image_validatorA simple wrapper around the ImageMagick command line to check if an image is valid.
121,9910fog-dragonflyDragonfly is an on-the-fly Rack-based image handling framework. It is suitable for use ...
121,9910hello_actionrocketAn implementation of hello world actionrocket
121,9910pricelsStarting gem for the Pricels.com API
121,9910ironmqRuby client for IronMQ
121,9910iruiz_view_toolProvides general HTML data for Rails applications.
121,9910gkvUtilize a git repository as a trivially simple kv store.
121,9910gray_loggerGrayLogger is a middleware for Rack to easily log custom stuff to Graylog2
121,9910is_associationPatches ActiveRecord::Base to expose a method is_association? The method will retur...
121,9910prefix-machineThe gem to match class prefixes.
121,9910mountain_berry_fields-magic_commentsTest code samples embedded in files like readmes
121,9910hikki-mongoA Mongo adapter for Hikki.
121,9910object-viewObject oriented approach to generating HTML content
121,9910rails_request_parserParse Rails requests and provide helper methods.
121,9910mathgamesThis gem has "Guess a Number" game.
121,9910lencEncrypts a set of local files, and copies the encrypted versions to a repository, whic...
121,9910pastie_parserA simple helper for picking up pastie or gist urls and displaying them properly in a bl...
121,9910hikki-redisA Redis adapter for Hikki.