Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
131361-131380 of all 180,459 gems.
37,5371therealadam-attribute_mapperProvides a transparent interface for mapping symbolic representations to a column in th...
37,5371thewoolleyman-selenium-railsSupport for using Selenium RC with Rails
37,5371erb-yamlThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
37,5371date_time-smartwrapper of date_time using date_time-duration
37,5371string-encryptString open classed with AES-256 and RSA encryption and zipping methods for easy, secur...
37,5371enumerated_attributeEnumerated model attributes and view helpers
37,5371skaar-daemon-kitDaemon Kit aims to simplify creating Ruby daemons by providing a sound application skel...
37,5371omniauth-doximity_oauth2An OmniAuth strategy implementation for obtaining access to the Doximity API; API docum...
37,5371soveran-spawnerSimple fixtures replacement that allows to populate the database with custom data.
37,5371cartolabcoGenerar Cartola
37,5371rubatarGenerates random 5x5 avatars.
37,5371square-cucumberExecutable Feature scenarios
37,5371hibachiA Rails model layer for your Chef configuration. Control your Chef configs with Rails.
37,5371squirrel-cucumberExecutable Feature scenarios
37,5371lr-consoleA scheme interpreter that treat all things as lists.
37,5371shopify_app_lrb3Required Boostrap 3 so cloned and upgraded to Less Rails Bootstrap 3.1.1
37,5371zloggerThis gem provides a daemon that reads log messages from a ZeroMQ socket. Messages are f...
37,5371escape_escape_escapeMy way of escaping/encoding HTML with the proper entities.
37,5371movida_eventsA BeBanjo Movida event stream processor