Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
131381-131400 of all 180,459 gems.
37,5371octopress-render-codeEmbed highlighted code snippets from a file.
37,5371ygrene_istio_tracingThis gem lets your rails app propagate http headers for distributed tracing with Istio.
37,5371chatmeterA ruby wrapper for the chatmeter API.
37,5371shopify-sinatra-appA Sinatra extension for building Shopify Apps. Akin to the shopify_app gem but for Sinatra
37,5371contexAn opinionated, bounded context library for Rails.
37,5371the_paginationPagination helper for Kaminary based Models
37,5371crypt_identAuthentication module using BCrypt; initially Hanami-specific.
37,5371opal-minitestMinitest test runner for Opal
37,5371techwhizbang-jruby-quartzJruby-Quartz is a wrapper library for the Java based Quartz scheduling framework.
37,5371rubiumHeadless Chromium Ruby API based on ChromeRemote gem
37,5371tenderlove-facebookerFacebooker is a Ruby wrapper over the Facebook[http://facebook.com] {REST API}[http://w...
37,5371terrbear-terrbear-tidyRuby interface to HTML Tidy Library Project
37,5371topfunky-ruby-hmacA MAC provides a way to check the integrity of information transmitted over or stored i...
37,5371trafficbroker-redalertMakes it easier to send alerts to cardwall.
37,5371authorizationRails 3 compatible rails-authorization-plugin gem
37,5371robowhoisRuby client for the RoboWhois API.
37,5371meshcompleteMeshcomplete is a Ruby on Rails engine for MeSH autocomplete search box built with jQue...
37,5371pointillistPointillist converts Atom stylesheets for use by Ruby, as a replacement to Pygments.