Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
131441-131460 of all 180,709 gems.
121,9910permitA flexible authorization plugin for Ruby on Rails.
121,9910pftPFT Test GEM Description
121,9910mv-coreDB constraints in migrations similiar to ActiveRecord validations. Core classes
121,9910onnx-red-chainerAutomatically generate Ruby code from ONNX
121,9910octocat_herderThis gem provides Ruby bindings to the v3 GitHub API
121,9910jets_js_railsJets.js is a native CSS search engine
121,9910jfcouture-integrity-jabberEasily let Integrity send jabber messages after each build
121,9910moodleInteract with Moodle from ruby
121,9910net-lmtpSupport Local Mail Transfer Protocol(LMTP).
121,9910mitchellh-lightcloudLightCloud library for Ruby
121,9910gtk2htmlExperimental gem to render HTML using Gtk2
121,9910image-optimizerOptimizes given JPEG and PNG images or images in given folder. Uses several encoders fo...
121,9910gitpusshutenA Git-based application deployment tool that allows you to define your environment ...
121,9910jmoses_fluent-loggerfluent logger for ruby
121,9910guiA GUI gem for Ruby.
121,9910porcupineJRuby wrapper for Hystrix
121,9910odt2htmlOpenDocument text (.odt) to HTML converter
121,9910jinyu-debug-toolsa simple toolkit to debug ruby code, no any guarentee
121,9910rack-strip-wwwRack middleware that redirects www.example.com to example.com.