Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
131421-131440 of all 180,543 gems.
129,5380twin_validatorA simple twin field validator for Rails 3.
129,5380excuseServer down? Not sure why? Bide your time with Excuse!
129,5380adhearsion-imsProvides convenience methods when using Adhearsion with Rayo for IP Multimedia Subsyste...
129,5380addressable-restA really simple HTTP client on top of Addressable::URI
129,5380bormashino-sequel-sqljs-adapterSQL.JS adapter for Sequel on browser with BormaƝino / ruby.wasm
129,5380adjective-rpgIncomplete and in early stages.
129,5380blue_steelApartment List's internal coding style guide
129,5380cassandra-schemaSimple reversible schema migrations for Cassandra.
129,5380capriceA simple hello world gem
129,5380vagrant-guests-clearlinuxEnables Vagrant to manage Clear Linux guests.
129,5380activerecord-jdbcvertica-adapterAn ActiveRecord adapter for Vertica databases (jdbc based)
129,5380universe-staticwebgem install universe-staticweb
129,5380capistrano-deployment-statusCreates a deployment status page. This page shows what was deployed and who deployed it.
129,5380active_scaffold-sequelThe original ActiveScaffold supports Rails (http://rubyonrails.org/) with it's native O...
129,5380draggablesilder-railsDraggable Dual-View Slideshow for rails
129,5380contract_ltdGenerate invoices for contract work and dividend certificates
129,5380coub_apiRuby wrapper for Coub API.
129,5380uncutdoes stuff
129,5380bob_the_builderlonger description of your gem
129,5380dbexpectAs above