Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
132041-132060 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800point_yannthis gem will check the score of the user and will provide a usell feedback
102,5800nomadizeNomadize is a collection of rake tasks for managing migrations using a PostgreSQL datab...
102,5800robot_catcherRobotCatcher is a small form plugin that uses several kinds of hashing to consider whet...
102,5800pry-searchSearch all loaded ruby source code
102,5800soar_json_auditing_formatSOAR JSON auditing format that will define auditing event entries
102,5800smilodonSmilodon is a utility to parse data files.
102,5800ampersand_x&X brings expressiveness back to Ruby procs
102,5800screenshotscloudScreenshotsCloud ruby screenshot generator
102,5800subject==== subj3ct - The DNS for the Semantic Web This is a Ruby adapter for the subj3ct.com...
102,5800sinatra-accept-params-d1plo1dParameter whitelisting for Sinatra. Provides validation, defaults, and post-processing.
102,5800toggleEasily control and change the path of your script
102,5800stashboardmanagerAdds easy management to stashboard events within a ruby environment. This gem adds the ...
102,5800probyA simple library for working with the Proby task monitoring application.
102,5800administA minimalist Rails Admin tool. Easy to install and easy to uninstall too. Not ready yet.
102,5800rabbit-slide-tommy-sequelSequel を使って Ruby でクエリを書こう
102,5800print_ruby_infoSilly command to print out ruby info for debugging ruby env
102,5800sidekiq-usage-db-monitorGem to make monitoring sidekiq DB usage easier.
102,5800reduced_fat_crmAn open source, Ruby on Rails customer relationship management platform
102,5800yabeda-latencyExtends Yabeda metrics with latency metrics
102,5800n8codes_view_toolYear, Name, and message