Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
132581-132600 of all 180,702 gems.
94,8311joshuaclayton-paranoiaParanoid models
94,8311fastlane-plugin-gitlab_tag_releaseSimple plugin to manage gitlab releases
94,8311iicChecks IBM Integration Flows
94,8311fakes3testUse Fake S3 to test basic Amazon S3 functionality without actually connecting to AWS
94,8311option_pickerOptionPicker allows you to create a list of allowed options, and specify a fallback. Wh...
94,8311motion-splashCreate all your splash images from any UIViewController using whatever method you like ...
94,8311gpr-statusGpr plugin to show the status of all registered repositories
94,8311hpgAutomatically determines the Heroku PostgreSQL configuration
94,8311timelinesProvides an Ephemeral module that can be included in any ActiveRecord model to prov...
94,8311rack-request_timestampRack middleware for Append timestamp to request information
94,8311omniauth-multi-provider-samlAn extension to omniauth-saml for handling multiple identity providers
94,8311jquery_context_menu-rails4This gem provides jQuery-contextMenufor your Rails application. (jQuery-contextMenu so...
94,8311browserid-railsRails authentication framework using Mozilla Persona and the BrowserID protocol.
94,8311jsanti-fuzzy_file_finderan implementation of TextMate's cmd-T search functionality
94,8311spark_toolkitYet Another Jruby Spark toolkit.
94,8311bulma_blog_private_serverA bulma based blog theme for a private server
94,8311rpi-dhtFully written in Ruby (except external gems)