Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
132541-132560 of all 180,671 gems.
68,6250cx-mongo_queryShorthand helpers for constructing readable Mongo query args in Ruby
68,6250fastlane-plugin-gitlab_changelogGet changelog using GitLab API
68,6250hyperspeedCreate HTML in Ruby at hyperspeed.
68,6250settings_synchronizerSettings Synchronizer for local machines
68,6250open_parliamentSimple gem for interfacing with openparliament.ca's API
68,6250logstash-filter-my_java_filter_exampleThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
68,6250single_record_interfaceSingle Record Interface
68,6250yt-downloadruby script for download youtube shorts media!
68,6250git_explorerWill explore and return information about all your git repo
68,6250logstash-filter-pythonThis gem is a Logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
68,6250newmy-pluginTOD: Write a gem description
68,6250sberbankGem for working with the payment system of Sberbank
68,6250track_rateKeep track of open/click rates
68,6250spree_bannerExtension to manage banner for you Spree Shop
68,6250omniauth-mhealthOmniAuth plugin for AT&T mHealth
68,6250ruxsterAn Object Graph Mapper (OGM) for mapping Ruby Objects onto graphs in a instance or Rexs...
68,6250lannon-lunrA simple read-only interface to Solr, built on Sunspot. Lunr makes it easy to query and...
68,6250whats_up_docProvides a low-level up route for load balancers. Useful for injecting before loggin, s...
68,6250hmcgowan-rooroo can access the contents of OpenOffice-, Excel- or Google-Spreadsheets
68,6250ggenvEnvironment variable manipulation using a ruby array syntax.