Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
132501-132520 of all 180,487 gems.
110,0382freebase-themeA barebone Jekyll theme.
110,0382hydra-groupyThe long awaited separation of groups and roles for Project Hydra.
110,0382jjulian-random_dataGenerate random test data including names, mailing addresses, dates, phone numbers, e-m...
110,0382tdiary-style-etdiaryetDiary Style for tDiary
110,0382canistreamitA Ruby wrapper for canistream.it API
110,0382merchant_sidekickA light-weight E-commerce plugin.
110,0382moip_catarseGem para utilização da API MoIP
110,0382redis_scriptsElegant redis scripting for ruby.
110,0382alarm_counterThis alarm or counter program can be run if the system has ruby installed. It is to be ...
110,0382carinaEasily bootstrap Rails on Rackspace's Carina
110,0382ovenOven generates a dependency-free HTTP client.
110,0382gemspec-bumpA flexible and concise version bumper that can, in a single command, take care of all t...
110,0382git_brdcustom git command for deleting local branches matching a given regex
110,0382ie_phone_numbersA Ruby library for validating and formatting Irish phone numbers.
110,0382payneteasy-payneteasyapiRuby library for PaynetEasy payment API.
110,0382active_decimalWord-number mapping for human readable code
110,0382fauna-echoeA Rubygems packaging tool that provides Rake tasks for documentation, extension compili...
110,0382jkestr-couchrestCouchRest provides a simple interface on top of CouchDB's RESTful HTTP API, as well as ...
110,0382bitbucket-api-extensionBitbucket API extension