Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
132521-132540 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700artoo-digisparkArtoo adaptor for Digispark USB development board
38,9700numericalBi-Directional conversion between english language numbers (e.g. 'three hundred') and ...
38,9700fruit_to_limeWith this small library it should be much easier to generate import file to Lime Go.
38,9700prependfilePrepend any file with text (think licenses, copyright, ownership etc)
38,9700chrislee_test_gemA gem to explain how to make gems
38,9700galeRead Graphics Gale (.gal) files
38,9700mojombo-godGod is an easy to configure, easy to extend monitoring framework written in Ruby.
38,9700method_annotationMethodAnnotation You can define the annotation function method. Note translation funct...
38,9700teaasGem to manipulate emoji-sized images
38,9700latin_to_normal_characterThis will replace the Latin character inside a string to correspond to normal character...
38,9700backtorBackport of Ractor using threads
38,9700recatt_apiNothing really here at the moment.
38,9700fork_buddyWrite a gem description
38,9700hosty/etc/hosts based tiny reverse proxy. You may sometimes run a web application on http:/...
38,9700beerdb-servicebeerdb-service gem - beer.db addon for web service (HTTP JSON API)
38,9700hola_todachiiA simple hello world gem
38,9700nvThe commandline tool for downloading videos and mylist at nicovideo.
38,9700ruby_jwkAuthenticate JWKs via public JWT enspoint
38,9700soar_authentication_casCAS configuration for soar_sc
38,9700tcg-player-sdkThe tcg-player-sdk gem is a convenient wrapper to the TCGPlayer JSON API. Easily query...