Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
136281-136300 of all 180,681 gems.
110,9731cadburybotWrite a longer description or delete this line.
110,9731phlex-compilerA compiler for Phlex
110,9731chatwork_to_slackexport ChatWork(chatwork.com) logs to Slack CSV format
110,9731acts_as_shardableLet subclasses of ActiveRecord::Base to be shardable.
110,9731cocoapods-unused_podslist unused Pods of project.
110,9731dependency_grapherFor Rails applications that use minitest as the automated test framework. Logs dependen...
110,9731fluent-plugin-filter-single_keyFluentd filter plugin that Explode record to single key record.
110,9731coinageHandle and convert your Money!
110,9731cloudlbA Ruby API to manage the Rackspace Cloud Load Balancers product
110,9731rubytorrentA Bittorrent library.
110,9731muxitSimplify solo development with tmux
110,9731blogyMountable engine with blog management in your API.
110,9731roger_sprocketsAdd sprockets to your roger project
110,9731cchookcreate easy hook script
110,9731debug_print_extEver placed `puts`, `pp` or `ap` for debugging purposes in the code and then forgot whe...
110,9731easydslEasyDSL allows you to create your own ruby dsl without writing a single line of code.
110,9731sandofsky-ralphA pretty, simple wrapper for writing Hadoop Streaming jobs in Ruby.