Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
136241-136260 of all 180,507 gems.
64,8361jekyll-theme-ampJust another jekyll docs theme compatible with GitHub Pages and AMP
64,8361fastlane-plugin-gs_versioningPlugin for GradoService versioning system
64,8361spec_routinetemplate generator for spec files
64,8361aliyun-sms-ruby-sdkAliyun can support stable service on phone code and email, it is a good choise.
64,8361allegro_rest_apiSimple API REST client for allegro.pl using device auth
64,8361chrCharacter is a library written in CoffeeScript with a help of jQuery that allows to bui...
64,8361aliyun-email-ruby-sdkAliyun email push sdk.
64,8361alimento-alu0101109251Clase Ruby para la Practica 10 de Lenguajes y Paradigmas de Programacion.
64,8361carnivore-actorCarnivore actor source
64,8361sea_witchWraps clippercard.com to provide a usable client in the absence of a true api
64,8361alive_stateAlive Application State on Rails.
64,8361hexx-validatorsThor-based generator of an ActiveModel validatorsand its unit test templates.
64,8361alimento-alu0100946499Clase alimento creada para la práctica 6 de LPP
64,8361rails-assets-lygneo_jsxcXMPP javascript client for lygneo
64,8361all_countriesWrite a longer description or delete this line.
64,8361farmoneyValue objects to help dealing with financial things
64,8361hrr_rb_relaxed_xmlAn REXML-based XML toolkit that can have multiple root elements
64,8361keccak-pure-rubyAn implementation of SHA3 in pure Ruby.
64,8361best_books_mdPulls details about winners of the 2018 Goodreads Choice Awards