Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
136201-136220 of all 180,507 gems.
64,8361albanpeignier-system-builderFIX (describe your package)
64,8361alblogsUtility script for processing ALB access logs over a given time range
64,8361albmmkrWill sort a directory of media files into albums, based on exif and date.
64,8361alerty-plugin-mailmail plugin for alerty
64,8361parapoolProvides parallel processing on thread pool.
64,8361aleph_apiA ruby wrapper for the aleph rest and xservices apis
64,8361alertySend an alert if a given command failed
64,8361aleaalea is a tiny gem that aim to bring some aleatory behavior to ruby Kernel.
64,8361alerty-plugin-datadog_eventalerty plugin for Datadog Event
64,8361alego_functionsTem a funcionalidade de prover métodos prontos de manipulação de data, moeda e outros
64,8361alexa_skills_rubySimple library to interface with the Alexa Skills Kit
64,8361algoDocker container orchestration tool for swarm cluster.
64,8361gongThe easiest way to release gem versions on GitHub
64,8361fastlane-plugin-framerCreate images combining app screenshots with templates to make nice pictures for the Ap...
64,8361ali_dayuali dayu sms & voice
64,8361jekyll-gh-contributorsJekyll plugin to generate contributors pics grid
64,8361alienorTest for Alienor
64,8361testscript_engineAn engine for loading and executing FHIR TestScript resources
64,8361hola_vardhanA simple hello world gem