Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
136221-136240 of all 180,507 gems.
64,8361ali-cliComposable CLI tool suite
64,8361densifyDensify is a general-purpose string minification gem written purely in C. It takes mere...
64,8361chef-handler-slackChef reports generated to a channel in Slack
64,8361c_niftiCNifti is a wrapper for the standard C NIfTI 1 library found at http://afni.nimh.nih.go...
64,8361inbound_apiA Ruby Gem API for Inbound.org platform implemented with custom web scraping. Have a lo...
64,8361encapsulateA small framework that enables encapsulating pieces of code within eachother.
64,8361retinaRetina is a simple configurable app responsible for sending outgoing webhooks to other ...
64,8361fb_graph_rubyMain purpose of this library is a support of multiople facebook pages connection
64,8361surf_spot_name_generatorUnique ids named after famous Californian surf spots. No collisions!
64,8361alexa_rbRespond to Alexa like never before
64,8361alexa_responderEasily construct Alexa responses
64,8361fastlane-plugin-current_datetimeTo get current date and time as string
64,8361graphql-rails-i18nAdd @locale directive in your GraphQL API that integrates Rails I18n API
64,8361absintheNot yet suitable for production use!
64,8361dynamic_menuDynamic_menu is a gem aimed at making menus more DRY with inheritance
64,8361sqlite_log_filterNo more '...sqlite_master...' queries in your log when using sqlite
64,8361comanaComana, COmputation MANAger, is a software to provide a framework of managing s...
64,8361allegro_releaseA command line tools to release module easily.
64,8361ood_reservationsLibrary that queries a cluster for active reservations of the current user.
64,8361aliyun_mnsaliyun mns http api for topic