Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
138781-138800 of all 180,448 gems.
89,5380sukremoreClient for the Rest SugarCRM webservice.
89,5380NDKMeansMulti dimensional K-Means clustering algorithm
89,5380rainbow_formatterCustomizable ascii-music RSpec formattter
89,5380excon-middleware-aws-exponential_backoffExcon middleware to exponentially backoff calling AWS APIs when throttled or experienci...
89,5380deploy-cliDeploy from a spec
89,5380duracloud-clientRuby client for communicating with DuraCloud
89,5380jekyll-planningwikipluginsPlugins to support the maintenance and running of the planning wiki
89,5380jekyll-i18n_tagsTags for translating Jekyll templates.
89,5380segmentorSegmentor creates slices from your data that can be used for notifications
89,5380leanwebLeanWeb is a minimal hybrid static / dynamic web framework
89,5380faux_sorted_setA fake SortedSet: a set that doesn't sort its elements?!
89,5380ruby-shRubsh (a.k.a. ruby-sh) - Inspired by python-sh, allows you to call any program as if it...
89,5380jandot-ruby-ucsc-apiruby-ucsc-api provides a ruby API to the UCSC databases (http://genome.ucsc.edu)
89,5380geekdictA command line tool for translation.
89,5380owasp-glueGlue detects security vulnerabilities in code.
89,5380retry_unsafe_methodAllow to retry unsafe methods.
89,5380rails-brochureRails engine for brochure pages. Similar to High Voltage but with named routes. Broch...
89,5380fakes3as2Use Fake S3 to test basic Amazon S3 functionality without actually connecting to AWS
89,5380revactorRevactor is an Actor implementation for writing high performance concurrent programs
89,5380spassspass generates passphrases using random words