Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
138701-138720 of all 180,571 gems.
133,5232aclsACLS is a library for autoloading Ruby source files in one or more directory trees.
133,5232algorithms64Heap, Priority Queue, Deque, Stack, Queue, Red-Black Trees, Splay Trees, sorting algori...
133,5232angular-gettext-railsSuper-simple translation support for Angular.JS
133,5232blockfrost-rubyBlockfrost is a hosted API as a service serving the data from the Cardano blockchain. ...
133,5232apimatic_calculator_test_ruby2Simple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC
133,5232dashdogDatadog dashboards management tool with Ruby DSL.
133,5232action_loggerLog actions in your Rails app
133,5232bhm-google-mapsA set of helpers and javascript files that makes it trivial to implement google maps un...
133,5232classifiedclassified provides an abstract interface to common ruby classifiers. It allows compar...
133,5232backup2everboxbackup to EverBox
133,5232blogtextThis Ruby gem converts a text file of predefined format to HTML code, according to simp...
133,5232active_merchant_webpayActiveMerchant integration for Transbank's Webpay service
133,5232tony_correia_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
133,5232demondescription: demon kicks the ass
133,5232acluscraperScrapes ACLU court documents then extracts the plaintext and metadata.
133,5232devise-semantifiedElegant devise views with Semantic-ui.
133,5232auto-facebookAuto Mount Facebook Login
133,5232tag_dogThis friendly dog gives you tags in your rails app.
133,5232authclientDescription of TinyForum.
133,5232codecov_opentelemRuby Opentelemtry