Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
138721-138740 of all 180,571 gems.
133,5232bluedoc-smlSML is a rich text format for describe of the BlueDoc rich contents, base on [JsonML](h...
133,5232bosBank of Scotland screen scraper
133,5232artifact_toolsProvides tools to manage repository artifacts.
133,5232acouchiThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
133,5232blueauthBluepages Authentication for IBMers within IBM's Intranet
133,5232acoc`acoc` is a regular expression based colour formatter for programs that display output ...
133,5232bloom-ad_gear_clientA Ruby client for accessing AdGear http://bloomdigital.com/
133,5232action_blocksAutomates Backend and Frontend Development. Supports Granular Authorization. Leverage...
133,5232coinsimplecoinsimple ruby API
133,5232testrbSimple calculator API hosted on APIMATIC
133,5232blurhash_decoderA simple blurhash decoder gem using c.
133,5232auto_pilotconvert your stackoverflow to a github blog
133,5232be_an_existing_path-matcherAn RSpec matcher that checks if a given path exists.
133,5232blue-unicornA Unicorn plugin for the Blue deployment framework
133,5232analytics-loggerMonitors, logs and tracks events
133,5232automergeA Ruby application that automatically merges the Github pull requests of a given user.
133,5232asirraImplements view helpers for the ASIRRA CAPTCHA system for Rails-based websites
133,5232ckeditor-buildsBuilds from CKEditor 5.
133,5232boaThis gem provides VIPER initialization and module generation functionalities.
133,5232aocAdvent of Code toolkit to fetch inputs and submit answers efficiently.