Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
139321-139340 of all 180,507 gems.
64,8361heytmuxTmux scripting made easy
64,8361gitlab-monitorGitLab monitoring tools to use with prometheus
64,8361ripl-emRun EventMachine code in a ripl shell - asynchronously of course
64,8361configgyconfig file parser for ruby
64,8361bookmarkMakes bookmarking directories in a unix filesystem a breeze
64,8361studio_game_SEGame exercise as part of Pragmatic Studio Ruby programming course.
64,8361camaleon_post_order: Description of CamaleonPostOrder.
64,8361haltStandard error handling for Rails applications. Inspired by a little method in Sinatra.
64,8361humble_rpi-plugin-nfcA humble_rpi plugin for reading NFC RFID tags (using the ruby-nfc gem) and publishing t...
64,8361itamae-plugin-recipe-omori_gohanitamae tiny recipes
64,8361embulk-formatter-markdown_tableFormats Markdown Table files for other file output plugins.
64,8361haroldLibrary that contains helpers for collaborative environments
64,8361canvas-embedThis Gem allows you to generated signed tokens that grant your users scoped access to y...
64,8361genki-wormholeThe utility library for making a wormhole on the stack frame.
64,8361rubyswizzsimple swatch time library.
64,8361danarchy_sysdAnarchy Sys is intended to be a platform for the management of cloud compute instances...
64,8361nishisuke_first_gemThis gem will hack ActiveRecord
64,8361pcapredictA Ruby client for PCA Predict's APIs.
64,8361geoffgarside-angelHelper methods for use with God, see wiki for example