Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
139661-139680 of all 180,417 gems.
85,8630pipe_extensionAdds `pipe` method to `Array` and `Set`
85,8630rigby_veiw_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications.
85,8630rob_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector
85,8630ds_media_libraryDownstream Media Library Rails Engine
85,8630kolekti_analizoMetric collecting support for C, C++ and JAVA that servers Kolekti.
85,8630polycrystalIntegrate Crystal into ruby using Anyolite https://github.com/Anyolite/anyolite
85,8630kookjr-geodesicGeodesic is a Ruby library for calculating distance and bearing on the Earth's surface....
85,8630seed_fixturesUse seeds.rb as test fixtures
85,8630sabetsukaSabetsuka (差別化) makes it easy and painless to differentiate polynomials
85,8630tmpdir_blockdescription: tmpdir_block kicks the ass
85,8630json_rpcjson_rpc lets you build JSON RPC 2.0 aware Rack Applications.
85,8630gemrepoA simple gem server that supports gem push / install.
85,8630fluent-plugin-cloudwatch-transformFLuentd plugin for transform cloudwatch alerts
85,8630gem-github-statsShow Github-related stats of the same gem from different users
85,8630rhomobile-gritGrit is a Ruby library for extracting information from a git repository in an object or...
85,8630screcipesscrecipes wraps common capistrano setup for screenconcept
85,8630helloextend_api_clientREST API Client for the helloextend.com ecommerce warranty API
85,8630kirbyA super-clean IRC bot with sandboxed Ruby evaluation, svn watching, and link-logging to...
85,8630term_canvasWrapper library for curses of ruby. You can handle colors easily.