Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
139721-139740 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700emf_jrubyEMF support for JRuby
38,9700puppet-heraldProvides a gateway for consuming puppet reports, a REST API and a simple Web app to dis...
38,9700yo-componentDrop your rails views
38,9700bootbox_crudProvides Rails modal CRUD scaffolding powered by bootstrap & bootbox & simple_f...
38,9700chunky_plusplusDates of next 10 birthdays.
38,9700gitlab-mail-receiverThe way of allow your GitLab support Email receive and parse the email content, and fin...
38,9700calc_pquijanoAn calculator implementation on ruby
38,9700image-dumperA dumper to download whole galleries from board like 4chan, imagebam, mangaeden, devian...
38,9700nginx_omniauth_adapteromniauth adapter for ngx_http_auth_request_module
38,9700landescapeA library for handling escape sequence
38,9700clearly-queryA library for constructing an sql query from a hash. Uses a strict, yet flexible specif...
38,9700mmeditA metamodel editor based on Concrete
38,9700ngramdistance-ffiProvides a fast, cross-Ruby implementation of the ngramdistance distance algorithm.
38,9700jspec-jquery-sandboxa window sandbox for jQuery application testing with jSpec
38,9700introIntro brings your rails application to new feature introduction and step-by-step users ...
38,9700at_coder_friends-generator-python_refPython source generator plugin for AtCoderFriends (reference implementation)
38,9700enumbenumb helps developers create an enum like object in Ruby that closely resembles common...
38,9700api_smashAn enhanced Hash useful for API clients. Extracted from API Smith, and extends Hashie:...
38,9700mongoid_paperclip_image_dimensionA simple plugin to persist image dimensions into mongoid document.
38,9700pieces_of_flairpieces of flair will grab some ascii art