Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
139701-139720 of all 180,487 gems.
110,0382jpn_zipcode"put paramater 7 number in strings"
110,0382ugalic_monetaProvides communication with Moneta Web Service
110,0382rgitgit clone that manages websites using a php backend
110,0382omniauth-amazon-spOmniauth strategy for Amazon Selling Partner
110,0382yap-shell-addon-historyhistory description goes here.
110,0382liberateA gem that liberates your Android devices from USB cables during development.
110,0382owldiffThis is the client library for the owldiff-service server. This library takes the HOST,...
110,0382nicosaniconico search api client
110,0382smart_campushis gem is an adaptation of John Nunemaker's Twitter gem. I modified it to make api in...
110,0382azure_mgmt_adhybridhealth_serviceOfficial Ruby client library to consume AdhybridhealthService
110,0382dishwasherA CLI tool written in Ruby to help you remove unneeded GitHub forks.
110,0382hcl_variablesHCL Variables Parser
110,0382iki_utilsCurrently this is just a hello world gem.
110,0382interactive_recordFeature-rich browser-based UI for any ActiveRecord-supported database.
110,0382investolink"Crowdnetic provides transparency for the private and crowdfunded securities marketplac...
110,0382maiha-migration2This rubygem does not have a description or summary.
110,0382RogerE-wheneverProvides clean ruby syntax for defining messy cron jobs and running them Whenever.
110,0382Roman2K-test-unit-extHelper methods for Test::Unit::TestCase
110,0382hub-clusters-creatorAn agent used to provision GKE clusters for the Appvia Hub
110,0382mw-dictionaryMerriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary and Thesaurus API Wrapper