Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
139821-139840 of all 180,702 gems.
135,8870smugmugapi== FEATURES/PROBLEMS: I have written some simple tests of my "local" code, b...
135,8870cap_db_dumpCapistrano tasks for dumping your mysql database + transfering to your local machine
135,8870cap-deeployA Capistrano plugin to add a new shiny deeploy task.
135,8870caissonCaisson will provide a set of tools to facilitate the integration of Zurb-Foundation to...
135,8870rose_genRandomly generate single-line ASCII roses.
135,8870scrawlerScrawler is a project management framework optimized for programmer happiness and susta...
135,8870ruuuby-extensionsadd functions to default Ruby classes for increased quality of coding life
135,8870attackThis gem provides a nice way to attack, attack events. Rails ready.
135,8870uomiManage invoices.
135,8870slgGet words' definitions from Slengo on the command-line.
135,8870scrapixScrapes images from various sources e.g. Google Images, vBulletin threads, etc.
135,8870bizflowDSL for buisness processes.
135,8870saverSave a string version of columns automatically
135,8870rubysl-ptyRuby standard library pty.
135,8870table_helpersThe table_helpers library provides a simple helpers to create table lists with headers ...
135,8870steffiFFI bindings to the igraph library
135,8870atom_shortcutsA quick CLI reference to Atom shortcuts for Mac, Windows and Linux, with search function
135,8870screencaster-gtkA program for capturing screencasts
135,8870tap-clutchStream Clutch records to a Singer target, such as Stitch
135,8870remy-foodieMy hello world gem