Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
139801-139820 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051privacy-enforcer-railsThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
103,2051jsontemplateSimple JSON templating
103,2051muzakA library for controlling playlists and media players.
103,2051ozon-logisticsOzon logistics
103,2051mona-resultMona::Result provides a result monad, and dict result monad with do-notation
103,2051pifano_configSimple configuration for your project by enviroment.
103,2051ioquatix-account_engineAccount Engine for Rails. Manages users, roles and role-based permissions.
103,2051gatticaGattica is a Ruby library for extracting data from the Google Analytics API.
103,2051default_controllerThis gem creates the default actions for controllers.
103,2051gluemappingBidirectional automatic mapping for the .Net platform, with strong verification and tes...
103,2051dry-struct-railsRails reloading for `dry-struct`
103,2051ouisearchSearch for IEEE OUI list with given OUI (with local cache)
103,2051gem-licenseGem plugin to download a LICENSE file based on its SPDX identifier
103,2051idiotzIdiotz does what you told it.
103,2051domain_firewallRack middleware for whitelisting IP addresses. Allows you to define a custom whitelist ...
103,2051query_layer-active_recordThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
103,2051scryCommandline tool that downloads blackboard cartridges
103,2051rubocop-schema-genGenerate JSON schemas for IDE integration with RuboCop
103,2051ippa-movie_makerAutomate image movements/effects and sounds over a period of time, useful for games.
103,2051icon_tagSimple helper for Font Awesome icons