Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
139781-139800 of all 180,689 gems.
103,2051magic_metaclassThe metaclass/singleton/eigenclass of classes is available via Metacla...
103,2051intinno-nifty-generatorsA collection of useful generator scripts for Rails.
103,2051resque-exceptionalresque-exceptional provides a Resque failure backend that sends exceptions raised by ...
103,2051i18n_tymlParse I18n.t function call from view files, and output with yaml format..
103,2051safe_deposit_keyAdd safe_deposit to your project.
103,2051rack-useragentRack Middleware for filtering by user agent
103,2051heimdall_apmOpen source monitoring for Rails applications
103,2051safe_and_soundA compact DSL to let you declare sum data types and define safe functions on them.
103,2051jekyll-weddingJekyll Wedding Theme
103,2051iandb-merb_stateful_displaySimple extension of Merb's display() that chooses templates based on an object's state
103,2051hubbastyleHUBBA Style
103,2051rhomobile-debugRhomobile debugger extension
103,2051sid_listList containing any type of Object intenteded to be indexed by status and id, making it...
103,2051Empact-rpx_nowHelper to simplify RPX Now user login/creation
103,2051rcov_notifierGet RCov notifications via Growl. More on GitHub
103,2051mina-whenever-hanamiMina plugin for whenever, adapted for Hanami ruby framework
103,2051hola_tutorialUn hola mundo para el tutorial de creacion gemas en ruby
103,2051gce-metadatagce-metadata provides access to GCE instance metadata.
103,2051lsplsp bot
103,2051opentelemetry-shopifyThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.