Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
139761-139780 of all 180,487 gems.
110,0382snippetCreates little snippet like facebook or Google+ does from given uri.
110,0382active_record_group_countEfficient Rails group count if you need the summed up count instead of the hash. Can be...
110,0382insomniaPatches your Kernel to make it impossible to sleep.
110,0382codercmpcodercmp is a gem intended for use as a command line interface to parse and upload code...
110,0382coin_trackingA Ruby client for CoinTracking.info
110,0382borgesThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
110,0382resque-notifierThis Resque plugin sends a notification when a job fails
110,0382interaptorEasy Interactor gem for ruby apps
110,0382dogecoin-clientProvides a Ruby library to the complete Dogecoin JSON-RPC API.
110,0382iracing_apiA Ruby Client for the IRacing API
110,0382taiwanese_id_builderTaiwanese Id Builder.
110,0382omniauth-cognitoOmniAuth OAuth2 strategy for Cognito using authorization code grant.
110,0382selenium_browserIncludes Chrome MacOS webdriver for your Selenium Watir suites
110,0382gitconfigKeep your local configuration in git's config
110,0382maser-hoptoad-notifier-clientSimple class that sends data to Hoptoad using HTTParty
110,0382one_signal-capn_protoThis gem wraps the official C++ implementation of Cap'n Proto (libcapnp). From the Cap'...
110,0382hola_khA simple hello world gem
110,0382llrbLLRB is LLVM-based JIT compiler for Ruby. Note that this gem can be only installed to f...
110,0382esse-will_paginateWillPaginate extensions for Esse
110,0382rbs_gooseRBS type inferrer with LLM