Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
141121-141140 of all 180,641 gems.
75,3470peatio-thoughtPeatio Thought Blockchain Plugin for Rubykube
75,3470omniauth-timetreeOmniAuth strategy for TimeTree
75,3470ut-rubocop-railsUT Rubocop Rails
75,3470textfileSet-like wrapper around GNU comm and related textfile utilities. A common use case is ...
75,3470volt-foundationFoundation for the volt framework
75,3470google-cloud-security-public_caCertificate Manager's Public Certificate Authority (CA) functionality allows you to pro...
75,3470js-initializersAvoid JS mayhem on your Rails app! js-initializers is an engine that adds a micro-frame...
75,3470marionette_rails_generatorsBackbone on Marionette. Rails generators
75,3470interactshInteractsh Ruby Library
75,3470MFOL-bugspotsImplementation of simple bug prediction hotspot heuristic
75,3470rollbar-javascriptIncludes Javascript for Rollbar error reporting for rails applications
75,3470isotopeIsotope provides an easy way to use a signle EJS template on both server and client side
75,3470seamuleSeaMule is a Redis-backed Ruby library for creating jobs assigning them to clients and ...
75,3470sidekiq_remove_scheduledJust call remove_scheduled method and pass the argument to the worker to remove schedul...
75,3470picturamaAn easy picture gallery based on directory and files. This is mostly for general purpos...
75,3470url_hashCreate url-embeddable hashes from integers, for use in short-url services or simple to ...
75,3470instedd-pigeonChannel management frontend for Nuntium & Verboice
75,3470glennr_opensrsProvides support to utilize the OpenSRS API with Ruby/Rails.
75,3470usesguidA much faster version of the usesguid plugin for Rails ported to a gem (uses database f...
75,3470socialcountSocialCount is a gem to make it extemely easy for your to find out social statistics ab...