Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
141141-141160 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920slateSimple api on top of the graphite render api
95,5920rspec-graphqlProvides RSpec matchers and helpers for testing graphql-ruby schema
95,5920fastlane-extfastlane ext
95,5920formidable-rubyGem to generate forms
95,5920gpisA Simple gem to scrape information about android applications from the Google Play webs...
95,5920jekyll-theme-editorialEditorial is a blog/magazine-ish template.
95,5920ecevalEvaluates Ruby code embedded in markdown, merging results
95,5920image_suckrImageSuckr is a ruby gem that allows you to get random images from Google for seeding p...
95,5920raftersRafters lets you think about each page of your application as a collection of small pie...
95,5920dirtravelDirTravel provides content of filesystem directories by recursively travelling the dire...
95,5920detroit-locatLOCat plugin for Detroit build system. Generate detailed LOC charts for your Ruby proj...
95,5920interval_inflectorAdds support for stringifying Duration objects into intervals
95,5920rails-uikit-sassThis provides UIkit (SASS) as a rails gem
95,5920sequel_auditedA Sequel plugin that logs changes made to an audited model, including who created, upda...
95,5920db_monIn many cases, one of the primary indicators of system and application health is whethe...
95,5920simnosManage AWS SNS by DSL
95,5920juliocesar-httpartyMakes http fun! Also, makes consuming restful web services dead easy.
95,5920rtm_estimate_converterRTM estimate converter. ex.) "1.5h" => 5400.0, "1hour 30minutes" => 5400.0
95,5920kb_palindromeLearn Enough Ruby palindrome detector