Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
141161-141180 of all 180,529 gems.
102,5800pivofor pivotal tracker
102,5800statueTrack application metrics to Statsie
102,5800barnyard2waldoDescribe the waldo bookmark for barnyard2
102,5800zepto-for-railsProvides a the zepto.js for the rails asset pipeline
102,5800spotdogSend EC2 Spot Instance Price History to Datadog
102,5800underwearUnderwear is based on Underwear by Thoughtbot, a base Rails project that you can upgrad...
102,5800activerecord-has_moneyAllow attributes stored in cents to be converted to dollars
102,5800apple-newsFully-featured library for fetching and creating content with the Apple News API.
102,5800namiraThis is a simple wrapper around HTTP
102,5800sparkpost_mailerAll this does is make the root_url and image_url available to a mailer subclass
102,5800app-runnerApp runner utils
102,5800teenyA tool that lets you make a teeny service by just writing a script
102,5800perforatCheck your tests for performance decrease and notify about it.
102,5800omniauth-infinumOfficial OmniAuth strategy for Infinum.
102,5800ruby-avm-libraryThis library makes working with Astronomy Visualization Metadata (AVM) tags within XMP ...
102,5800super_duper_stringCompletely useless gem
102,5800bitpriceDetailed market information instantly about your top 100 Cryptocurrencies! Find instant...
102,5800better-patchesA simple gem for one off tasks for example database patches
102,5800seiso-import_ldapImports person data into Seiso. This includes contact and organizational information.
102,5800benchmark_emailRuby client to interact with Benchmark Email API v3.