Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
143241-143260 of all 180,417 gems.
85,8630tempgitMechanize temporary Git repositories during testing.
85,8630leetpasswordleetpassword creates a password with 1 or 2 random leet words.
85,8630pleschev-vagrant-hostmastervagrant-hostmaster is a Vagrant plugin to manage /etc/hosts entries on both the host OS...
85,8630luban-railsLuban::Rails is a Luban deployment application to manage Rails web application deployme...
85,8630jekyll-fullmotionA full responsive video gallery template with a functional video lightbox.
85,8630jekyll-theme-gingkoMy jekyll blog theme
85,8630hello-package-fbA simple hello world gem
85,8630structverseUtility for traversing hashes and arrays.
85,8630sc2statsScrapes name, 1v1 league and 1v1 league points from a Battle.net StarCraft II profile.
85,8630filet-capybaraProvides out of the box integration of capybara and filet
85,8630redvex-ar_cachePerforme ActiveRecord cache in File System for heavy and repetitive query.
85,8630regularfry-celerityCelerity is a JRuby wrapper around HtmlUnit – a headless Java browser with JavaScript...
85,8630script_helpersA Rails 3 gem that allows easy inlining of css and JavaScript
85,8630sprangularSpree frontend using angular.js
85,8630lugSimple Ruby logger for debugging applications.
85,8630modsecurity_audit_log_parserFor parsing AuditLog.
85,8630term-extractProvides term extraction functionality
85,8630googlecontactsGoogle Contacts API implementation
85,8630ruby-toolsZguillez Ruby tools
85,8630red_alertMiddlewares for mailing errors