Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
143161-143180 of all 180,469 gems.
50,1070OpenAuth2OpenAuth2 is a thin OAuth2 wrapper written on top of Faraday in Ruby.
50,1070usos_auth_libEnhance your Ruby applications with UsosAuthLib, a robust gem for streamlined user auth...
50,1070incline_ldapAdds LDAP authentication support to Incline.
50,1070cartographCartograph makes it easy to generate and convert JSON. It's intention is to be used for...
50,1070purple_ai_wifiA simple gem for retrieve data from purple.ai API
50,1070test_my_gemA high level
50,1070rasmus_clientRuby client for Rasmus server
50,1070cocoapods-jysourceA short description of cocoapods-jysource.
50,1070productsWIP description
50,1070yamldaga simple yaml file to generate DAG Graph and visualization
50,1070calculatorextTrying to raise the conflict
50,1070sanity_clientRuby interface to the Sanity data system
50,1070commongem4321Write a longer description or delete this line.
50,1070gem14321Write a longer description or delete this line.
50,1070anderSetup Rspec for Rails environment including all configurations and command line inputs ...
50,1070integrity-tumblrLet Integrity post notifications to a Tumblr weblog after each build
50,1070class_loggerAllows you to create multiple loggers for any given class
50,1070android-servicesThe gem aims to provide an API for google services including google play which interact...
50,1070instrumentationProvides a simple API for instrumenting Ruby method invocations.
50,1070weather-randomThis gem provides a class WeatherRandom that uses the WeatherUnderground API to generat...