Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
144621-144640 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700rat_pack_swaggerRat Pack Swagger ties into the Sinatra DSL to build out a swagger 2.0 specification file
38,9700TableCSVConvert HTML table to CSV
38,9700telegrammerRuby client for the Telegram's Bots API
38,9700fluent-plugin-terminal_notifierA fluentd plugin to notify notification center with terminal-notifier.
38,9700rspec-declarative_requestsA standardized structure for request specs in Rails.
38,9700tippy_alfredA gem for generating tip value based on a number of inputs.
38,9700release_hubMountable gem for viewing project release information
38,9700opentpxAn open-source format and tools for exchanging threat intelligence data. This is a JSO...
38,9700tvdeyen-ferretFerret is a port of the Java Lucene project. It is a powerful indexing and search library.
38,9700runisonrunison is a ruby helper library to use unison, a rsync like protocol. On the contrary ...
38,9700matic_timestampPlugin for Mongomatic to automatically add created_at and updated_at
38,9700animatedgifme-v1A v1 of ruby library for https://animatedgif.me. A gem example from GoRails by Chris Ol...
38,9700bbdocsmaterializeThis is the new site layout for Blackboard Developer Documents
38,9700custom_error_messagesThis plugin allows you to omit the attribute name for specific messages. All you have t...
38,9700dalli-ext-spymemcachedDalli server-hashing algorithm to match spymemcachedJava library.
38,9700ml4rA ruby based library of Maching Learning (ML) algorithms
38,9700twelve_days_of_christmasThis is a fun attempt at refactoring the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas."
38,9700coffeegrindercoffeegrinder was developed by: markbates
38,9700goodnightA simple gem to make you sleep
38,9700locum-best-practicesContains deploy configuration