Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
144601-144620 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700wordcloudTakes input and outputs the same text with word size changed based on frequency.
38,9700sinatra-autosassSinatra extension to automatically recompile all your sass/scss files everytime your ap...
38,9700tailnudgeTailnudge displays OS notifications when a tailed file matches a pattern; useful for be...
38,9700capistrano-foreman_exportCapistrano task for foreman
38,9700robut-namasteResponds with randome stayoutofmynamastespace quotes
38,9700beaglebone_usbencapsulates beaglebone communication via USB
38,9700chosen-awesome-railsChosen is a javascript library of select box enhancer for jQuery, integrates with Rails...
38,9700universal_excel_parserHash based excel parser
38,9700unleashed_clientA Ruby wrapper for Unleashed API https://apidocs.unleashedsoftware.com
38,9700railspressRailsPress is a Rails Engine that provide Blog features to your project
38,9700omniauth-bitreserveOAuth2 strategy for the Bitreserve API, by Group Buddies
38,9700swapi_devRuby wrapper for The Star Wars API
38,9700qabotTHIS GEM IS STILL IN DEVELOPMENT STAGE. Find documentation here: https://github.com/lea...
38,9700purechartPure HTML/CSS charts for Ruby on Rails.
38,9700rogemsA Ruby to Lua transpiler for compiling Ruby scripts into Roblox code.
38,9700workspaceWorkspace makes it a breeze to work with files and directories
38,9700ReportGenReportGen generates HTML documents using Report from Markdown.
38,9700sensu-plugins-azureSensu azure plugins
38,9700ezstartformeThis gem setups a project template for me personally
38,9700kms_attrsQuickly add KMS encryption and decryption to your ActiveRecord model attributes.