Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
144561-144580 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700libertyLiberty is the state of being free from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority.
38,9700paperclip-time-stampedAllow to use time-stamped urls from paperclip attachments
38,9700just-the-hm-docsA modern, highly customizable, and responsive Jekyll theme for documentation with built...
38,9700gitlab_yaml_dbGitLab fork. YamlDb is a database-independent format for dumping and restoring data. I...
38,9700beecartProvide Basic Shopping Cart Function to Your Rails Project
38,9700git-issuesmanage git issues in cli
38,9700darmani_game85A Darmani game
38,9700try_convertProvides ::try_convert to several core classes.
38,9700kf-jquery-fileupload-railsjQuery File Upload by Sebastian Tschan integrated for Rails 3.1 Asset Pipeline, forked ...
38,9700polymer-paper-railsPolymer paper elements for using in Ruby on Rails application
38,9700tobias-actionmailer_host_autosetSets :host for url_for calls within ActionMailer. A repackaged and renamed version of h...
38,9700rails_admin_china_cityrails_admin for china_city
38,9700robust_excel_oleRobustExcelOle helps controlling Excel. This obviously includes sta...
38,9700wisper-sequelTransparently publish model lifecycle events to subscribers.
38,9700uberbringerWrapper around remedy web service for easy querying
38,9700boxed-geminaboxA complete, boxed, and ready to run geminabox deamon on fishwife, jetty, jruby. Install...
38,9700capistrano-invokeThis gem provides `invoke` task to Capistrano 3.
38,9700top_100A CLI gem that allows the user to acquire information about trending songs and artists.
38,9700mustard_clientRuby Client for Mustard Results Server
38,9700carrierwave-grandcloudSNDA Cloud Storage support for Carrierwave