Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
144581-144600 of all 180,477 gems.
38,9700github_fastforwardAutomatically Add Upstream Branch & Rebase Current Branch
38,9700simple-shardingDescription of Simple::Sharding.
38,9700stronglyboardsGenerates a strongly-typed interface for your storyboards, view controllers, and segues.
38,9700regex_generatorSimple regex generator
38,9700bayesian_averageA simple way to add Bayesian averages to your Mongoid classes
38,9700smile_me_pleaseUseful to put in the prompt of a shell.
38,9700tranceTrance is a simple gem
38,9700vagrant-allegro-nfsManage and adds support for NFS on windows.
38,9700inspec-pdfInSpec plugin for PDF generation.
38,9700bayserver-docker-terminalBayServer is one of the high-speed web servers. It operates as a single-threaded, async...
38,9700crucible_ciA way to run Plan Executor tests in the command line
38,9700title-processorGo through file and parse each other title response
38,9700timezone_fieldStores timezones as standard TZInfo identifiers and handles conversion to/from Rails-fr...
38,9700harvestrwrapper for the Harvest api
38,9700redditsScrapes reddits landing page.
38,9700samplerNo more foobar! Run your app locally with *real* sample data
38,9700csv_importerhttp://github.com/sparkboxx/csv_importer Ever needed to import csv files where every r...
38,9700the-perfect-gemthe perfect gem (a testing gem for jeweler)
38,9700redcar-javamateviewA source editing widget for SWT that understands Textmate syntaxes and themes
38,9700ballmerOpen and manipulate Office files.