Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
144981-145000 of all 180,681 gems.
110,9731mintpal_rubyProvides a wrapper for MintPal.com API.
110,9731property_baggedGetters and setters for bagged properties
110,9731adaptable_circuit_breakerThe Circuit Breaker pattern is used to prevent constant fail-over from spotty remote sy...
110,9731annotate_controllersAnnotate Rails controllers with routes information.
110,9731cbedoy16-rubycalcAn implementation of a basic calculator on ruby
110,9731apispree_promoRequired dependancy for API-Spree
110,9731rmoriz-alexaAlexa Web Information Service library
110,9731boilerplate_engineAlpha: HTML5 boilerplate translated to a configurable rails engine
110,9731jekyll_kipThis gem helps you synchonize your Jekyll blog post to Kipalog
110,9731radiant-cache_buster-extensionCache Buster tag for Radiant CMS
110,9731cashMoney model backed by BigDecimal
110,9731scorebuttA fake scorebot for uptime reporting.
110,9731douyin_downloaddownload douyin video without watermark
110,9731holassssA simple hello world gem
110,9731dustin-ruby-summizeA simple client for the summize twitter search engine
110,9731bankrollMortgage and refinance calculations for ruby
110,9731hexlet_codeThis gem takes care of tasks that would normally require writing a lot of boilerplate c...
110,9731soc_makerSystem-On-Chip Maker: a tool to design and create SoCs in a simple way, written in Ruby.
110,9731fibonacci_sequenceA simple ruby gem to generate Fibonacci series