Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
144961-144980 of all 180,681 gems.
110,9731ruleySimple rule engine for ActiveRecord classes
110,9731pantry-chefAdd Chef support to a Pantry network.
110,9731dropio-mock_recordA mock object which stands in for ORM objects.
110,9731riopro-piwikA simple Ruby client for the Piwik API
110,9731krieter_view_toolProvides generated HTML data for Rails applications
110,9731debugserverConsole server to provide debugging for web/any applications
110,9731capistrano-nrsysmondCapistrano recipe for installing the newrelic sysmond service on multiple operating sys...
110,9731simple_login_generatorUtility gem to generate logins from emails
110,9731boxciBoxci is focused on defining standards and building tooling around using Vagrant for de...
110,9731liberateA gem that liberates your Android devices from USB cables during development.
110,9731honkster-active_hashAn ActiveRecord-like model that uses a hash or file as a datasource
110,9731logstash-codec-transitThis gem is a logstash plugin required to be installed on top of the Logstash core pipe...
110,9731quicketsPrint quickets
110,9731soterruby + mongoid background jobs library
110,9731activeresource-conditional-getHTTP conditional get support for ActiveResource
110,9731calculoseA handful of algorithms for estimating antiderivative values.
110,9731danger-checkstyle_formatterDanger plugin for checkstyle formatted xml file.
110,9731password_generator_trigramGPW - Generate pronounceable passwords. This program uses statistics on the frequency o...
110,9731rotiencode and decode for ROTI (Rotate by index places)