Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
144901-144920 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920email_reply_parser-discourseEmailReplyParser is a small library to parse plain text email content to return only th...
95,5920enrarNo Rails ActiveRecord
95,5920jekyll-theme-nixerA hard-core minimalistic, single-author Jekyll theme with almost default browser stylin...
95,5920tempest_dbClient for Tempest Graph Database.
95,5920hootstrapThe design system of ProctorU, including components, patterns, and utilities.
95,5920octomailAPI client for Email Octopus
95,5920chapmanLike stalker, but can stalk concurrently
95,5920has_secure_password_argon2Drop-in replacement for has_secure_password that uses argon2
95,5920companion_cubeCompanion Cube client
95,5920freels-mongrelA small fast HTTP library and server that runs Rails, Camping, Nitro and Iowa apps.
95,5920kontrastKontrast is a testing tool that lets you build a frontend test suite to run against you...
95,5920ConnectSDKConnect SDK
95,5920sentia_git_hooksSome git hooks for Sentia
95,5920jekyll-theme-rocketRocket is a Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages
95,5920defenderActiveModel plugin for Defensio.
95,5920foreman-mcoManage remote execution using Foreman + MCollective
95,5920rubygoal-coreRubygoal core
95,5920ios_analyticsTranslate plist format into checkstyle format.
95,5920fakemenotFakemenot is an simple email validator that checks for DNS as well as uses regex functi...
95,5920qu-mailerQuMailer is a Ruby on Rails 3.x plugin for sending asynchronous emails with ActionMaile...