Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
144921-144940 of all 180,517 gems.
95,5920darkyDarky is a smart a flexible shell wrapper that aims for simplicity and packed with all ...
95,5920gem-nukeGem command to remove all installed gems.
95,5920shift_statsInterfaces with Digital Shift APIs (HockeyShift, BasketballShift, etc.)
95,5920jekyll-string-theoryThe smallest jekyll theme in the universe!
95,5920strict_moneyManipulate money and currency with strictness around currencies and time periods.
95,5920jenzzlySearch answers on stackoverflow
95,5920chef-testingAn elegant library for representing and comparing SemVer versions and constraints
95,5920edgecase-ocovC0 coverage report tool for Objective-C
95,5920refactoring_toolkitThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
95,5920lash-spritesA library to ease the dynamic generation of CSS spritesfrom a list of images or a css f...
95,5920hobo_will_paginatewill_paginate provides a simple API for performing paginated queries with Active Record...
95,5920borsWrapper for the Vowpal Wabbit library
95,5920configurator2A mixin to add a .config method and options with defaults to any library
95,5920encrypted_textThis library is old and insecure. Do not use.
95,5920frolic-redhillonrails_coreRedHill on Rails Core is a plugin that features to support other RedHill on Rails plugi...
95,5920rack-reshowTime machine for your views in the shape of a Rack middleware.
95,5920ejhayes_standalone_migrationsA thin wrapper to use Rails Migrations in non Rails projects
95,5920redcap-survey-apiREDCap Survey API provides a ruby-style interface for interacting with the REDCap surve...
95,5920sqs2mandrillBasic WIP.
95,5920bsnsStatic YAML assets which live in your application repositories. For the streamlined mo...