Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
145961-145980 of all 180,702 gems.
135,8870baitAccepts github push event webhook to clone and execute .bait/test.sh
135,8870spaceforceThis rubygem does not have a description or summary.
135,8870trafikanten-travelQuery the travel planner at trafikanten.no with Ruby
135,8870student_MyGemА gem that allows you to get pass for patterns
135,8870blizzardFreeze objects recursively
135,8870chef-handler-httpapiAn exception handler for OpsCode Chef doing http post via net/http
135,8870tanga_active_utilsCommon utils used by active_merchant, active_fulfillment, and active_shipping
135,8870bsale_apiWrapper for BSALE API
135,8870TicGit-ngTicGit-ng is a simple ticketing system, roughly similar to the Lighthouse model, that i...
135,8870transactorTransactional actors for easy rollbacks
135,8870torquebox-baseTorqueBox Base Gem
135,8870atech_foreign_currencyA quick and simple currency converter
135,8870ruote-cukescucumber helpers (steps) for testing ruote process definitions and participants
135,8870blueA deployment framework for rails apps
135,8870camaleon_google_analyticPlugin to enable google analytics
135,8870sportsport - sport data structures for matches, scores, leagues, seasons, rounds, groups, te...
135,8870rspec-example_disablerDisable specific examples. Useful when working with plugins that intentionally modify b...
135,8870choron_supportBy using this library, you can incorporate some useful functions into Ruby on Rails.
135,8870uikit3-railsUIKit version 3 for Rails (in Less format, not SASS)
135,8870sub_diffInspect the changes of your `String#sub` and `String#gsub` replacements