Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
146041-146060 of all 180,554 gems.
89,8570objectify_paramsA gem to objectify parameters
89,8570rabbit-slide-kou-sezemi-2014-readable-code-2-introduction2014年のSEゼミの「プログラミングが好きな学生のためのリーダブルコード勉 強会」の進め方の説明。
89,8570music-performancePrepare a transcribed musical score for performance by a computer.
89,8570http_urlA simple and lightweight library to work with http urls.
89,8570enom-apiClient for communicating with the eNom API
89,8570tagThis project lets you tag anything from the commandline. The `tag` executable provides ...
89,8570pg-ctThis is the extension library to access a PostgreSQL database from Ruby. This library w...
89,8570rspec-rails-watchr-emacsWatches specs for a Rails (2 or 3) project - notifications via Emacs enotify. Fork of r...
89,8570gitbackProvide a list of files and/or directories and gitback will copy them to your git repo,...
89,8570pangel-chronicA natural language date parser with timezone support
89,8570sprout-developer-bundleProject and Code Generators for Sprout development
89,8570flexible_apiAPI for making APIs
89,8570limerick_rakeA collection of useful rake tasks.
89,8570simple_mailerSimple email library with testing support
89,8570spotify-metadataSearch Spotify's Metadata API using Ruby.
89,8570eventmachine-irc-serverFor use in the Rubot Emulation Framework, this simple IRC server allows test bots to co...
89,8570my_ruby_projectThis is the description of the project
89,8570middleman-paginatorA simple way to paginate any collection in middleman