Daily Downloads Ranking

Most downloads last day.
145981-146000 of all 180,702 gems.
135,8870cfndslhelperWrite a longer description or delete this line.
135,8870rtodoistRTodoist allows easy access to the Todoist todo list manager (http://todoist.com
135,8870brightlyAdds syntax highlighting and some other code stuff to Markdown
135,8870time_streamerExplore the versions of your ActiveRecord models in the browser.
135,8870supermodel-cliSupermodel of your application. The CLI interface to supermodel.io
135,8870ultraquizget trivial stats from rubygems.org
135,8870synapse_ldap_userThe Synapse Ldap User library
135,8870code_outputInject a script output into the source file as comments.
135,8870serializerSerializer is a Ruby on Rails tool for adding accessor to serialized attributes with su...
135,8870resque-statsIf you want to graph the workload created by your different Resque jobs, extend them wi...
135,8870th_simple_admin_panelBase admin panel.
135,8870tinyextAdds Object#blank?, #present?, #tap?, #try and Symbol#to_proc
135,8870sweet_piBenchmark tool using Pi by Ruby
135,8870solaris-lastlogRead and write Solaris lastlog files
135,8870risbnUtils to handle isbns
135,8870bowdlerCreate a Bowerfile alongside your Gemfile and just bundle.
135,8870simplyxSimple XML tools for JRuby, e.g. XSLT transformations
135,8870cancan-2Simple authorization solution for Rails which is decoupled from user roles. All permiss...
135,8870ruby_cliFactors out code needed to create Ruby command line applications
135,8870bliss_view_toolProvides generic HTML data for Rails applications.